Friday 18 December 2020

Top Benefits of Going for Relationship Counseling

Some people remain in an unhappy marriage till resentment builds, and they believe they have no option but to divorce. They don't speak up about their unhappiness, and they continue their relationship with the flow, expecting that something will change and the problems will be solved one day. The one thing they never try that could have a notable impact is marriage counselling, and couples counselling West Palm Beach is helpful. Many people do not take benefit from marriage counselling before choosing to divorce, often due to social thinking regarding that requires therapy. But counselling can help guide us with new ways of resolving problems and understanding our needs met. Here is the list of some benefits of marriage counselling.

5 Benefits of Marriage Counseling

1. It can help to solve relationship issues before they grow obstacles

Marriage counselling will provide you with proper communication that will support you not only hear to your partner but, also to understand what your partner is saying. A marriage counsellor can teach you the abilities while observing your growth, reconciling conflict, and giving accurate feedback.

2. Learn Useful ideas to Communicate with a Relationship Counselor

When you speak up about your requirements precisely and honestly without bitterness or anger, your marriage will succeed. That's why marriage counselling is beneficial. You can determine how to interact effectively with your spouse so that both of you feel understood.

3. You will learn how to be confident without being aggressive

Both the partners need to communicate regarding their issues without the worry of damaging the other partner. You will know that you can get what you necessitate without having to make requests and engage in dispute in marriage counselling.

4. It can help develop self-awareness and exceptional development

Relationship counselling West Palm Beach proposes a safe environment for revealing any unhappiness you feel. Accepting your feelings out into the public with the help of a qualified expert may be all you want. There are chances to find that your partner is more than ready to work collectively to resolve the obstacles in the marriage, or you may also notice that your partner is unwilling to do the work. If this is the case, you are then free to leave the wedding without any guilt.

5. It can help you to define your emotions about your relationship

Some part of the difficulties in your marriage could arise from the fact that you don't understand your spouse completely or what their demands are. Counselling is beneficial in this, and, you will discover more regarding yourself and your wants. You may end up discovering that those obligations can be met inside the wedding or you may not.

If you are looking for a relationship counselor in West Palm Beach, then Vanessa Gray is the right option for you. Vanessa Gray specializes in working with anxiety and depression, boundary issues within relationships, codependency and recovery.

For more information, please visit

Friday 20 November 2020

Here are the Biggest Misconceptions About Counseling

Going to a dentist, massage therapist, orthopedic, gynecologist are all things many of us to remain healthy. Making an appointment with the aforementioned practitioners is generally – no big deal. However, when it comes to counseling, we often delay or avoid such appointments because we are not sure what to expect when it comes to therapy or counseling.


Moreover, we are often of the idea that counseling is only for those who are suffering from mental illness. However, this is not the truth, countless people who are mentally stable undergo counseling sessions in order to cope with stress, improve the quality of their relationships, broaden the perspective and attain clarity of thought.


In this article, we are sharing some of the biggest misconceptions about counseling:


Counseling is for those who have a mental illness-

People suggest you visit a counselor only when you have some sort of mental illness. However, West Palm Beach counseling is a tool that can help anyone to cultivate personal growth and development, as well as offer you the ability to lead a better life.


You don’t need counseling if you someone to talk to-

Talking to your friends and family about the issues that you’re dealing with is great and it can help you to an extent. However, they cannot guide you with the right steps in sensitive matters. On the other hand, sharing your thoughts with qualified and highly-trained counselors means getting help from professionals who have spent years treating and diagnosing emotional as well as behavioural issues.


Psychologists Prescribe Medications-

Psychologists don’t prescribe any kind of medications because they are not permitted to do so. Psychologists talk to you about the things that are troubling you and disturbing your state of mind. They guide you with the ways through which you can overcome mental issues and boost your self-esteem.


Couples Therapy is only for people who are heading for a divorce-

Ironically, couples think about therapy and counseling only when the damage is already done. Just like individual therapy, relationship counseling West Palm Beach is for resolving the issues before they get to the worst stage. Aside from resolving major conflicts in a relationship, couples therapy can also help you with minor communication problems or reigniting some fire in the relationship.


Get in touch with Vanessa Gray for Counseling


Vanessa Gray is a licensed social worker and psychotherapist providing individual and couples therapy in West Palm Beach. She specializes in working with individuals who are suffering from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, or issues in the relationship.


For more information, please visit

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Is Counseling a Good Option for Anxiety Treatment


Treating a person with anxiety depends on the character of anxiety disorder and personal choices. Frequently, therapy will combine various kinds of treatment and medicine. Alcohol dependence, depression, and other forms can often have such a powerful connection to anxiety in some characters that treating an anxiety disorder must remain until a person maintains any underlying circumstances.

Understanding the developing signs of anxious emotions and practising steps to control the situation without medical assistance should be the primary port of call. However, if this does not overcome the influence of anxiety symptoms, or if the onset is especially sudden or hard, other treatments are possible.

Whether you are experiencing from panic strikes, obsessive ideas, unrelenting worries, or an incapacitating phobia, it's essential to know that you don't have to live with anxiety and fear. Treatment can help, and for many anxiety problems, couples therapy West Palm Beach is often the most efficient option. That is because anxiety therapy, unlike anxiety treatment, treats more than just the signs of the problem. Therapy can assist you in revealing the underlying principles of your concerns and fears; learn how to relax; look at circumstances in new, less terrifying ways; and generate better coping and problem-solving skills. Therapy provides you with the tools to defeat anxiety and guides you on how to practice them.

Anxiety disorders vary considerably, so anxiety treatment West Palm Beach should be tailored to your specific signs and diagnosis. If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), for instance, your treatment will be distinctive from someone who requires help for anxiety attacks. The length of therapy will also depend on the nature and strictness of your anxiety disorder. However, many anxiety therapies are comparatively short-term. According to the American Psychological Association, numerous people develop significantly within 8 to 10 therapy gatherings.

Counselling and therapy

Standard treatment for anxiety includes psychological counselling and therapy. This might involve psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or a mixture of treatment and counselling. CBT proposes to identify and alter the destructive thought patterns that can trigger an anxiety disorder and painful feelings, limit distorted thinking, and adjust the scale and severity of responses to stressors.

This encourages characters to guide the way their body and mind react to particular triggers. Psychotherapy is a different therapy that includes talking with a qualified mental health professional and going to the root of an anxiety disorder. Sessions might examine the triggers of anxiety and potential coping mechanisms.

When it comes to anxiety treatment through, you can consider the name of Vanessa Gray. Vanessa Gray is a recognized therapist and anxiety counseling provider in West Palm Beach.

For more information, please visit

Tuesday 29 September 2020

5 Types of Relationship Problems Couples are Facing During Quarantine

Coronavirus outbreak has taken a massive toll everyone, including the couples. While most of us thing that love can keep us happy and it was stay us afloat during these hard times, however, it seems the opposite during the COVID-19.

Living together with the partner under the same roof in the state of a lockdown has proven to be extremely toxic for few of us and that is the reason why people are looking for couples therapy West Palm Beach.

Here are 5 types of relationship problems couples are facing during quarantine:

·         Invasion of Personal Space

Living together in personal space during the locked down can disrupt your personal space. It makes your relationship more problematic and also makes you question your independence. During the present time, it is important that you heed your partner’s cry for space. It is good to let your partner alone for sometime and do not control every aspect of their lives, be it work or their social media.

·         Financial Insecurity

With many people losing their means to livelihood and losing their jobs, every relationship is bearing the strain.  In terms of a couple, much is left on speculations and there is a lot that needs to be reconsidered. Financial insecurity is thus one of the reigning problems in relationship currently. That being said, it is not good for the health of your relationship to leave your partner in the time of distress.

·         Less excitement, more boredom:

Being together all the time makes things dull and boring. During the lockdown many felt like excitement tossed out of the window and it becomes unbearable to look at the partner sometimes. While it is a normal process all are dealing with in the present situation, you can spice up your life by indulging in fun activities. Either plan for cooking together or indulge in fun activities.

·         Unequal division of household work:

What can be worse than finishing all the household chores on your own? According to experts, this is one of the biggest problem couples are facing during lockdown. While one may not be accustomed to working at home, the other person does all the work, which with time stresses out the relationship in one way or the other. The best way to tackle with this is divide the chores equally amongst each other.

While both of you are working together during the coronavirus situation, it is either lack of space or lack of productivity that is ready to wound the relationship. If you feel like corona virus has taken toll over your relationship as well, then consider relationship counselling West Palm Beach.

Vanessa Gray is a renowned therapist in West Palm Beach you can consult if you are facing couple issues with your partner. She is experienced therapist and have helped many couples in bringing the spark to your relationship.

For more information, please visit

Friday 21 August 2020

Break Loose From the Shackles of Depression with Therapy


In this circle of life, there can be times where you may find it difficult to cope up with all the troubling circumstances around your life. And the feeling of incapability to deal with such situations may lead to depression. Now whereas many people try to overcome depression by their self treatment methods, however depression therapy West Palm Beach can be a very efficacious solution to overcome depression. Consulting with a counselor and receiving a depression therapy not only resolves your depression but prepares you to face even more rigid challenges in your life. It equips you with techniques and skills to live a healthier lifestyle.

Receiving a depression therapy can provide with numerous benefits as well. Having a depression really affects your sleep cycle, your counselor helps you retain your original sleep cycle which helps brining your life back on track. Having a depression can also lead to some critical health issues such as deepened mental illness or higher chances of cardiac arrest. Hence receiving a depression therapy can reduce the possibilities of decreasing health. Depression therapy provides you with an open space to talk about all your haunting negative thoughts & enables you to look for their solution with the help of the counselor.

So, if you think that you’re suffering from depression, the best thing to do is to consult with a professional counselor to seek a depression therapy. To receive effective West Palm Beach counseling to overcome and face all the troubling challenges in your life you should consider Vanessa Gray. Vanessa Gray is a skilled professional psychotherapist & a social worker helping people with beneficial individual therapies and nurturing relationships with couple’s therapy in West Palm Beach. She has a highly personalized and synergetic approach towards her clients to treat them well and effectively, helping them to overcome issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, codependency & other mental illnesses.

Vanessa Gray believes in performing such constructive therapies where she creates a trustworthy bond with her clients so that they can feel safe and share their thoughts openly without feeling vulnerable to any judgment. She believes in cherishing the strength of her clients & helps them to achieve their goals to lead a better & healthier lifestyle with her effectual therapies. She has skills to read and treat different people depending upon their behavioral patterns so that the therapies can be progressive & appropriate towards their behavior. Vanessa Gray aspires to be a helpful guidance to the people who actually want to lead a progressive life.

For further information, please visit