Sunday 26 April 2020

5 Crucial Questions to Ask from your Therapist

Find the right therapist consumes your as much energy and time as involved in finding the right spouse. Instead of meeting for meeting or coffee, you have to spill your guts inside a bunch of psychotherapists’ offices, trying to gauge whether all that notebook scribbling is going to translate into help.
Here are 5 questions to ask your therapists in West Palm Beach:

  1. My problem is XYZ. How you would be treating that?
This is pretty straightforward. For sure, you have to know what is the problem that you are facing, but even describing symptoms would help. My problems are insomnia, anger outburst and worry. How will you diagnose that? Hopefully the therapist’s resonate with your game plan or you have to adopt a different game plan. 

If they are presenting a flashy, jargon-filled approach that you are not able to understand, then you can be confused in therapy with them.

  1. Will your therapist be addressing the immediate problem or focus on deeper issues?
Many cognitive-behavioral therapies are focused on treating immediate symptoms. On the other hand, pyschodyamic-based therapies focus on the root cause of a problem. If you need immediate and quick relief, you will gravitate CBT, but if you want to reach a deeper insight, then psychodynamic therapies is what you should go for.

The therapists’ ability to communicate is the key, even if they say they combine approaches.
  1. Do you tend the session or follow my lead?
Another fundamental distinction is whether the therapist is directive or non-directive. Some therapists create a schedule for your session before you sit down. The gameplay is set and you are passenger on ride. Other therapists wait for you to set the agenda, they start with a predetermined topic or whatever comes up for you as soon as you sit down. Again, this is a matter of your personal choice, directive appeals to some while non-directive appeals to other.

  1. What are your strength as therapists?
Not many clients I ask this question to their therapist, but they should know this before West Palm Beach counseling. By asking this question, you are inviting  the therapist to make an honest appraisal of their strongest attributes.

  1. Have you been in therapy
This is again a bold question for most of you, but this again valid and the important one. It is essential for the therapist to spend significant amount of time in their own therapy. Although, you don’t need to ask specifics, such as names and dates, but asking whether the therapist has been therapy is a legit question.

If you are looking for licensed and experienced therapist, then Therapist West Palm Beach is the name to trust upon.

For more information, please visit