Friday 20 November 2020

Here are the Biggest Misconceptions About Counseling

Going to a dentist, massage therapist, orthopedic, gynecologist are all things many of us to remain healthy. Making an appointment with the aforementioned practitioners is generally – no big deal. However, when it comes to counseling, we often delay or avoid such appointments because we are not sure what to expect when it comes to therapy or counseling.


Moreover, we are often of the idea that counseling is only for those who are suffering from mental illness. However, this is not the truth, countless people who are mentally stable undergo counseling sessions in order to cope with stress, improve the quality of their relationships, broaden the perspective and attain clarity of thought.


In this article, we are sharing some of the biggest misconceptions about counseling:


Counseling is for those who have a mental illness-

People suggest you visit a counselor only when you have some sort of mental illness. However, West Palm Beach counseling is a tool that can help anyone to cultivate personal growth and development, as well as offer you the ability to lead a better life.


You don’t need counseling if you someone to talk to-

Talking to your friends and family about the issues that you’re dealing with is great and it can help you to an extent. However, they cannot guide you with the right steps in sensitive matters. On the other hand, sharing your thoughts with qualified and highly-trained counselors means getting help from professionals who have spent years treating and diagnosing emotional as well as behavioural issues.


Psychologists Prescribe Medications-

Psychologists don’t prescribe any kind of medications because they are not permitted to do so. Psychologists talk to you about the things that are troubling you and disturbing your state of mind. They guide you with the ways through which you can overcome mental issues and boost your self-esteem.


Couples Therapy is only for people who are heading for a divorce-

Ironically, couples think about therapy and counseling only when the damage is already done. Just like individual therapy, relationship counseling West Palm Beach is for resolving the issues before they get to the worst stage. Aside from resolving major conflicts in a relationship, couples therapy can also help you with minor communication problems or reigniting some fire in the relationship.


Get in touch with Vanessa Gray for Counseling


Vanessa Gray is a licensed social worker and psychotherapist providing individual and couples therapy in West Palm Beach. She specializes in working with individuals who are suffering from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, or issues in the relationship.


For more information, please visit