Saturday 3 April 2021

How to Be Mentally Strong and Overcome Anxiety?

When you are physically strong, you have a lot of muscle strength, you have good stamina, a great strength that you can lift heavy things very easily, and ultimately, you are physically fit. And these same things apply to your mind as well. Let's understand these points in 3 scenarios, but before that if you are struggling with many problems in your life and want a permanent solution to them, consult an experienced therapist in west palm beach.

1st Scenario:

If you are living in this world, then there will be highs and lows in your life. You cannot avoid them. When some big problem enters your life, you surrender beforehand, without knowing that problem, you don't even try to face that problem. It means that you are mentally weak at some point. You should consider that if there is a problem, then there is definitely a solution to that problem as well, but the solution to that problem will not come out right there, you will have to make efforts for it, for which you need great muscles to think like your body requires heavy strength and muscles to lift heavy materials. So you need to think in the right direction, now what is the right direction? This means that a solution-oriented approach. We should always move toward the solution-oriented approach rather than problem oriented-approach. If you are dealing with anxiety, depression, and all such things then you definitely need an anxiety treatment in west palm beach.

2nd Scenario:

Suppose you have brought a big problem in your life and you are trying a lot, putting all your efforts and in the end, you have found a solution to that problem. This is good! But this does not mean that you are mentally strong, as you had to put a lot of effort to solve the problem. There is no doubt that it is better than the first scenario because you are at least dealing with that problem and looking for a solution to it. Let's understand through an example, suppose you are trying very hard to lift the 50 kg box, you have put all your efforts and in the end, you have succeeded but that does not mean that you are physically strong, you are weak at some point. So the same thing happens with your brain. Therefore you need to improve at some level. Another thing to be learned from this scenario is that we have that ability, that power, that energy with the help of which we can improve ourselves and make ourselves mentally strong.

3rd scenario:

Again there are huge problems in your life but this time you are very well prepared for that. You were already ready to deal with that problem. And then you’ll find that the solution to such problems comes out very smoothly, no matter how complex the problem, no matter how knotty and huge it is, no matter how endless it may be for the world, but for you it is just a small stone on the way. The problem came to you and went away, it worked spontaneously.

For example, again you have the same 50 kg box, but this time you lift it very easily, it's like a cakewalk for you. people feel that the box is very light in weight but no, it is not like that at all. That person has great strength.

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