Thursday 6 May 2021

What happens to your body when you experience anxiety or depression?

Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some level in their life, but what happens to your body when anxiety overtakes you? What it does to your veins, for example in the short term effect it increases your breathing and sometimes you feel that your heart beat level suddenly increases. If you have been struggling with this problem for a long time, this is not a good sign. Now you may find it a minor problem, but if it continues, perhaps the problem may turn into a serious illness and you may be hospitalized. We do not intend to scare you, we want to warn you. Before this problem takes the form of a disease, you should first see a good therapist in west palm beach flSo here is a list of a few things that you may experience when you are in anxiety or depression.


Affects Nervous system

Stress or anxiety are responsible for active fight and flight response, you have probably heard about this. This is related to your sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). Now, what is the difference between these two terms? The main difference is that the parasympathetic nervous system takes care of all resting functions such as lowering your heartbeat level, or relaxing your body when you are at rest. On the other hand, the SNS system controls the action system and the functions that are part of it. When stress enters your SNS system becomes more active and sometimes even overactive. Therefore it is necessary for you to take an anxiety treatment west palm beach.


Slow down the digestion process

Most of the time the digestive process takes place during rest or a calm state. So naturally, two systems have different effects during stress when stress and anxiety get you into an active state, your digestion process becomes suppressed. And when your digestive process slows down, you will feel very tired and lethargic.


Unwanted weight-loss 

Living in anxiety and depression for a long time slows down your digestive process considerably. And because of this, your appetite has to suffer. You might not feel hungry as usual because of the stress or anxiety. Now you don’t feel as hungry as you used to be, because you are not mentally in the mood to eat. 


Sleep problem

When your mind and brain start moving at a speed of 100 kilometres per hour due to anxiety and depression, then it will definitely ruin the quality of your sleep. And as a result, your body won’t get back to its rest state. Study shows that around 7 out of 10 people who are dealing with anxiety and depression, experience sleeping problems. Lack of deep sleep can enhance the level of your anxiety or depression level. And insufficient sleep causes major implications on your overall health. If you have been struggling with this problem for a long time, you should consult with a therapist as soon as possible.



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